Couples Posing | My Approach
My approach to couples posing is the number one thing I get compliments on from my clients. If you ask them what they remember most from their session I can guarantee they would say I gave them great posing directions, and they never wondered what to do.
I have intentionally put myself on the other side of the camera, not just because I know the value of taking pictures, but because it’s important to know what it feels like to be in front of the camera. I need to be a client to serve one.
Many photographers expect you to know what to do or understand what they mean when they give posing directions. Unless you are a professional model, posing in front of a camera isn’t typical and can feel awkward. Saying things like “Be romantic with each other,” “Just interact like you do when you’re on a date,” or “Play with each other” can leave clients feeling confused and even more uncomfortable posing for the camera. Another thing photographers do is get so focused on what they are doing they leave their clients guessing. While the photographer adjusts settings or checks an image for quality, they leave their clients standing there in silence wondering if what they are doing is right.
When your session begins, I ask if you feel self-conscious about anything. During your session, I watch for those things and adjust them as I pose you. I want you to feel completely confident and love how you look. There is nothing worse than feeling frustrated or inadequate because you don’t understand what you’re being asked to do. When I’m posing you I give specific directions and show you exactly what I mean. You will receive positive feedback and praise so you feel uplifted. You’ll never have to wonder if you are doing it right.
It is no secret that most men do not enjoy being in front of a camera, so I make it my mission to get them laughing and having fun. I crack jokes, ask them to do some silly stuff, and keep things light and upbeat. Every man I have photographed has left their session smiling and telling me they had FUN!
Below are some of my favorite poses. As you scroll, take note of the natural, genuine interaction between my client’s.
Let’s have fun together!
Everyone knows how to walk and run. You can’t mess this up! I may have you just walk natural, or I’ll have you do a drunk walk, bumping into each other. I will have you walk toward me, away from me, and past me. We may advance the walk into a full run if you’re up for it!

When I dip, you dip, we dip…
Many couples want a dip shot at the end of the aisle or after their first dance. We do a lot of practicing the dip during your session.

To get natural laughter from my couples I have them play games, tell jokes, and basically act like children. We play airplane, tug-o-war, ring around the rosie, and tickle wars. i have my couples dance together. If they are good at it, the images look graceful and romantic. If they are bad at it, we get the best belly laugh images. You really can’t mess it up!

It’s you’re engagement session, you’re going to snuggle! You may snuggle sitting together, standing close, whispering in her ear, or her in yours. Most of the time we’re together, you’re going to snuggle.

View engagement sessions.