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Hello! Welcome to my blog! Here you can see highlights of my latest work, pro-tips, and some personal stuff too!






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Sharing a First Look is a great new tradition and can be an amazing part of your wedding day! If you aren’t sure about a First Look, let me explain why it could be a romantic addition to your wedding day celebration that will add to the experience as well as reduce stress!

Digital photography has opened the door for many people who have a nice DSLR to take up photography. With the use of a delete key and filters and presets for editing, many believe that they can start charging for their work.

Senior portraits are about celebrating a life stage. Your entire senior year is filled with milestones, and it is definitely one worth noting and celebrating in many ways, including senior portraits. It’s not only your last year of high school, but so much more. It’s your last year with the friends you grew up with, your last year at home, and your last year of truly being under your parents wings.

If you’re like me, you’ve dreamed about your wedding day since you were a little girl. You had visions of what your gown would look like (I used to draw pictures of my dream dress all the time), you thought about the flowers you would carry, and you maybe even had a place in mind for you I Do’s.