Fall Portraits | San Joaquin River Parkway
Meet the Meadows family. Nori is one of my best friends. She is the one I can call at all hours of the day to come over to do something crazy. Whether it’s painting a baby’s room or hiding in the back of a Chevy Blazer stalking another friend on a sketchy date (there’s a story), this girl is always down for the wild ideas I have.
Things have slowed down for us since having kids and grown up jobs, but we still find time to do something crazy in the midst of it all. She and I both love taking on DIY projects. We are always calling each other and sharing ideas about things we want to do with our homes. It is so much fun having someone to share ideas with!
Nori and Scott are raising sons that couldn’t be further apart in personalities. Nathan is brilliant! His brain works much the same as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. He can’t wait to grow up so he can make money. Since he was very young he was looking for ways that he could start his own business and make money. He started a flag business in his neighborhood and later began pet sitting for people. He is going to go FAR in life.
His brother, Evan, is also brilliant but is more the wild child. He is extremely active, loves cars, and cannot be idle very long. He has an active imagination and keeps his mom and dad on their toes. Evan is a deep thinker, philosophical, and sensitive. He is mama’s snuggler. When Evan is around you are sure to get engaged in interesting conversations with him and he will have you laughing deep belly laughs with his wit and charm.
Her husband Scott is a skilled and talented Real Estate agent. He owns Venture Realty Group. We shoot his listings for him and see first hand how well he takes care of his clients.
You’re going to love this family session!!

Need a realtor? Contact Scott here.
See more family portrait sessions here.